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I always love your photos - apologies if you have answered this question in a previous post (I did hunt your categories) but what kind of camera and lenses do you use, particularly for your lovely macro work?


I love your photos! What kind of camera do you use?

Frances Fung

Hi, I have been reading your blog quite regularly at least over the past one year. It has never failed to entertain, educate and increase my understanding of culture and life over there in the far east. Your pictures are always very clear. Are you still using the same camera you have been using? Is it an SLR camera?

I will be going to Yokohama for a conference 1st week of Sept and plan to stay an extra week after that around Tokyo. This is going to be my 6th visits to Japan, and I'm very excited about it. However, not really looking forward to the long flight from Canada ...


You are just AMAZING! Your photography gets better every time and your blog is just as stellar as it ever was. I am so inspired by you - my fellow blogger!

Absolutely Tokyo!

Ditto for me, too. I just love your blog so much. Can't ever get enough gorgeous photos of food, flowers, & insects. Bravo!


Hi Amy,Thank you for the lovely photos! It seems like everyone loves your photos and is curious about yuor camera.I also asked you about your camera before. Luckily I found my camera that I thought I had lost,so I'm not going to buy one soon, but I'll get the same camera as yours when I need new one.
Somehow your photos of insects reminded me of 'Minashigo Hutch(Honeybee Hutch)',Japanese cartoon for Children. The world is not only for human being, but also for other creatures.


I love how the mantis turned to look at you!

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